hair extensions + care

“Taking care of your hair at home is just as important as what is done in the salon. I recommend Oribe and Iles Formula for the ultimate best care of luxury hair extensions. Both are available at Vera Salon. It makes sense to invest in only the best home maintenance products for your beautiful new hair! Your color and extensions will stay soft and last longer when using my recommended products.” -Vera


As our extensions are applied expertly with care, they are designed to not damage your hair when maintained correctly at home and removed when recommended by your stylist.  

CLEANSE: Do not shampoo for two days after your extensions application. Cleanse well 2-3 times/ week. I recommend Iles Formula Shampoo & Conditioner. Brush hair to remove any tangles and to prevent matting before showering. Use a sulfate free shampoo & conditioner and a weekly mask to strengthen and nourish your hair.

BRUSH: The most important step that should never be skipped is brushing your hair. Brush directly over your keratin extension bonds a minimum of two times per day, with the recommended extensions brush. Brush row by row, scalp to ends, starting from the nape directly over the bonds for Keratins. For Tape-Ins and Invisible Cold Extensions brush below the bond while holding the tape bond. Separate bonds with your fingers daily. Use a wide toothed comb to gently remove tangles from mid-shaft to ends first.

STYLE: Always apply heat protection ( I recommend iles Formula Serum) prior to heat styling your hair. Dry your hair 80% of the way (no tugging at the extensions with a round brush or comb. Use only your hands and fingers.) You can use a round brush and a small amount of tension to smooth your hair and the extensions the last 20% of your blowdry. Do not use a hot blow dryer directly on the bond area, medium heat only. Only use the products recommended by your stylist for your extensions. For a faster blow dry, section out each row and rough dry them separately or air dry.

REST: Brush thoroughly and never go to sleep with your hair wet. Braid your hair or wear a pony tail to sleep in a silk scrunchie. Sleep on a silk pillowcase for extra points.

VACATION: Chemical sun block, self tanner, tanning beds, and chlorine will cause discoloration and dryness. Cover your hair in a barrier, such as a leave-in conditioner or serum ( I recommend Iles Serum) before swimming in the ocean and shampoo out immediately after swimming. Use a mineral sunscreen such as Sun Bum.

REMOVAL: Plan for removal of Keratin & Invisible Cold Extensions following the recommended schedule of 3 to 4 months when maintained properly at home, and only removed by a professional. Tape-ins should be maintained at 4-7 weeks. Do not wait longer than recommended, as this may put too much weight on your natural hair and cause damage.

HAIR CARE: Be careful to only use recommended products on your maintenance sheet, including only the recommended purple shampoos. Others can be too harsh on the hair and may dry it out, discolor it, or create bond slippage and bond hardening. 

Some extension loss is normal and to be expected. Expect to lose at least 20%- 30% of your extensions during their lifecycle. An average client sheds 50-150 naturally hairs per day. A full head application covers approximately one third of the head. You can expect to see a small quantity of naturally released hairs trapped in the attachments after some time. This is normal and should not be interpreted as hairs pulled out of the scalp by the extensions themselves. Daily brushing close to the scalp and finger separation of the applied strand will avoid matting in this area.

Care for your extensions with lots of love!